Monday, April 23, 2007

Maplewood Farm

Daddy was busy working, so I decided to take the girls out on a trip to the farm. Adysen has been a few times before, but it was the first trip for Presley. They both loved it. Addy was a bit shy of the animals at first, but once she was convinced they weren't going to bite her, she was okay. Presley thought the goats were great. She loved petting them and thought they would be fun to ride on as well. I don't think the goat was too happy. After the goats we visited the sheeps and the lambs, the horses and the cows, the bunnies and the ducks, the chickens and the peacocks, but, the most favorite part of the trip was Adysen's very first pony ride. She was so excited she could stop smiling. I think there will be many more trips to the farm this year.

Addy's wacky outfits

Here is another one of Adysen's outfits. She loves clothes. She loves to dress up. She loves to try new things, and sometimes this is what she comes up with. Isn't she funny. She sure know how to keep us laughing.


IS IT APRIL 17 ALREADY? I can't believe my baby turns one today. She has accomplished so much in the first year of her life and still amazes us everyday. She is so much fun to have around. Her goofy little faces will always put a smile on your face, and her cute giggle will keep you laughing.

She had no idea what all the commotion was about today. She was pretty excited about the balloons that were tied to her high chair though. She kept say bawoo bawoo. She had big smile when we sang her 'Happy Birthday' and devoured her entire piece of cake. Best of all she loved all the presents her big sister helped her open. I am sure she will get a lot of play out of them.

What a blessing it is to have 2 beautiful girls.


Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Baden Powell

Here are a couple of photos of one of my favorite hiking spots in North Vancouver. It is a short drive (5 mins) from our house. If you are not into hiking then this is not for you. It starts out going straight up the side of a mountain but then levels out. There are a lot of stairs to climb as well and gives an overall great workout. I think it is absolutely beautiful. It takes about 25 mins to get to "the rock" (going at a good pace) which over looks Deep Cove, and in the distance you can even see Coquitlam. It is amazing and every time I go up there I remember how truly thankful I am to live in such a beautiful place. If you ever get to North Van, remember to hike the Baden Powell. If you are really adventurous and want to camp along the way this hike goes from Deep Cove to Horseshoe Bay (approx 12-14 hr hike). Probably won't be done in my near future, but I would love to attempt it one day.

P.S. The first pic is the start of the trail and the last pic is of the rock and the great view. The pics do not show off the true beauty this trail possesses.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Presley's 1st Haircut

Presley was in desperate need to have her long locks trimmed back, so, while in Port Hardy we took her over to Liz's Hair Salon and gave her the star treatment. Unfortunately, she wasn't really in favor. Before going in she looked like such a sweet little baby girl and when she was finished she appeared so much older to me. No longer a baby, but a real little girl. Ain't she cute.

On the road again....

Thanks to a fussy baby we captured this moment just off of the Zebellos turn off. We were on our way up to Port Hardy for the Easter long weekend. So excited to be going "home" for a couple of days. The weather was beautiful on our trip up and very warm. Presley was so anxious to get out of her car seat that she started wailing for a pit stop. Happy to get out of the truck for a few minutes, the kids watched for birds, threw some rocks and played around a bit.