Thursday, March 30, 2006

Pretty Toe Nails

So Adysen was at home sick for 3 days with the stomach flu. The first day we were preoccupied with her vomitting every 1/2 - 1 fun! After that ended, we became quite bored. I asked her if she would like to have her nails painted, of course she said 'yes'! She was quite excited to pick out her own color and everything. She sat so still and was so patient for them to dry. Once I was done, she said "Mommy's turn, Addy do it". You can imagine the thoughts going through my head - What if she spills it? Gets it on the furniture? Or the floor? Then I decided, she is 2, and I should just let her be a 2 year old. So I did, and this is the result. Pretty good for a 2 year old I thought!

The best part of this whole thing was the next morning when she brought the purple nailpolish to Jason and asked him to take of his socks so she could paint his nails. LOL. He was such a good sport. I think he only let her paint 1 foot, but she was quite impressed with her work. LOL.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Happy Happy Birthday Jason

Happy 36th Birthday Daddy!

Adysen couldn't wait for it to finally be March 11th. She was so excited to give Jason his birthday card with her ever so precious 2-year-old signature and drawing in it. I think most of all she was excited to make the cake. Chocolate is going to be her favorite I can tell. She was such a big help. She loved to our the ingredients in the bowl and mix it all together, but I think her favorite part was getting to lick the spatula in the end. Yum!

And here they are ready to dig in.....who looks more excited!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

35 weeks and counting....

Here I am at 35 weeks pregnant. I can't believe that I only have 5 weeks left to go. Starting to get very excited and very nervous all at the same time. Only have 2 weeks left of work. The thought of being off for another whole year is great, but I think staying at home with 2 kids, 2 and under is going to be the tougher job. It is so worth it in the end though.

We are starting to narrow the naming field down finally. We are still looking for suggestions, so please help us out. We love the name Easton for a boy, but for a girl, I have my heart set on Hayden. I know it is more of a boys name, but I really like it for a girl. Jason really likes it as well, but I don't think he is totally convinced. So here we are looking for your help.....
please no names like Dakota, Courtenay or Victoria (cute, but....) I would rather not name my baby after a city, state or country. Also, even though I think Summer is nice, no names of seasons or months either please. Picky, I know.....LOL - see why we are having hard time.

Okay, we are leaving the thinking up to you. Thank you in advance for all of your suggestions.

Love you all!