Monday, January 15, 2007

On the slopes of Seymour

What a beautiful morning it was here yesterday. We took full advantage of the nice weather and headed up to Mount Seymour to go sledding. It is so nice to have a ski hill literally 10 mins from your door step. Presley stayed home with Noni & Poppa and the 3 of us headed up the hill. The tobaggan area was perfect, just the right amount of sunshine, the right amount of people and the right amount of snow! We got quite the workout pulling Addy back up the hill on the sled. At first I couldn't figure out why Jason and I were sweating to death and Adysen was still bundled up, but I quickly figured it out. Here are some pictures from our morning. Enjoy.

Adysen Turns 3

January 7th, 2007 came very quickly for us. Our baby turned 3 years old. I feel like I have had her my entire life because I can't quite remember life without her, but on the other hand, I can't believe she is 3 years old already. How quickly time flys. She loved having a birthday. She couldn't wait to have a party and open presents and have cake. We celebrated her party with her new friends from preschool on January 12th at Go Banana's Jungle Gym. What a blast. We hope you enjoy the pictures.