Sunday, December 10, 2006

Our growing girls

I haven't posted a picture of the girls lately, so I thought I would share one with you. Can you believe Adysen is going to be 3 years old next month? I can't. Where has the time gone? And Presley, she is almost 8 months old now. I think time keeps getting faster the more children you have.

Adysen is doing really well. She is enjoying living in Vancouver and going to all of the different shops. She loves Costco's demos and Ikea's hotdogs.
Her favorite is the "Go Bananas" Jungle Gym. She could stay in there all day. She has just started Preschool here in Deep Cove. The people are really friendly and the kids are great. It is a wonderful little place to take your kids. She is busy, busy, busy and just never stops. She is wild and crazy but so loving and caring all at the same time. She is a great big sister.

Presley is just going with the flow. She is mesmerized by all the lights here in the city. She loves to people watch when we are out and about. She is very laid back and easy going. Never complains unless she is hungry or tired. She is a real blessing as a second child. She has adjusted well to the move. The first week was rough (she thought it would be fun to hang out with Mom and Dad from about 11pm - 4am) not fun, but thank goodness she is over that. She is in love with her big sister. Addy really can make her laugh. She is trying to crawl right now. She'll get there in no time. She does like to climb, so once she is mobile I will be in trouble. She says "Mama" and we are working in her saying "Dada". She is definitely a Mommy's Girl right now.

They are both a ton of fun and we couldn't imagine our lives without them. They truely make life worth living.

Enjoy the pics.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Getting in the Christmas Spirit

Adysen has been asking me for days to make the gingerbread house with her. With all of the unpacking and settling in I just didn't have time...until lastnight. What a fun evening... building, decorating and then eating the last bits of leftover candy. That explains why Addy wasn't ready for bed until 10pm. It was neat to see her having so much fun decorating. She was quite funny when she would put the candy on the house and "accidently" getting some extra icing on her fingers. She would say, "Oh, don't worry Mom, it was just an accident! LOL. Too funny.
So here is our first Gingerbread House. A ton of fun, and it looks pretty good too!

Friday, December 08, 2006

A self portrait

I thought it would be so cute to post a picture of Jason and I on our blog. Little did I know we would look so tired. Especially Jason, I think he had been up with Presley pretty much the whole night before this picture was taken. LOL. I guess we don't look as youthful as we feel....

Calling All Dogs...

Jason and I could hardly believe our eyes when we drove past Ron Andrews Rec Centre and saw a huge yellow sign that said, "Doggy Swim, Sunday 4-6pm". We looked at eachother and thought, no it can't be for real dogs! Oh, but were we wrong. Apparently, twice a year they have a doggy swim, where, for $5, you can take your beloved dog to swim with his/her friends at the local pool. We rushed home to get Kaiya (our chocolate lab) to take her for a swim. We thought she would love it. We thought, because she is a water dog she would go crazy for the warm pool water, but, we were WRONG! WAY WRONG! Kaiya kept trying to run out of the building. I think because there were so many people and so many dogs, that it freaked her out. Needless to say, we lost all 3 tennis balls we took to coax her into the pool and got wetter than we anticipated!

Isn't it beautiful

I thought I would share one of the beautiful scenery pictures we took on our way down the island highway on our move to our new house. Isn't it absolutely beautiful. I feel extremely blessed to live in such a beautiful place. Enjoy!!!